Template Client Project


Thank you for visiting your client page! We hope that this will be a convenient hub for you to view project information and stay in the loop about every detail. Please use the links below to view a few extra items that are not contained on this webpage.

-Your Team at Allison Dozier Interiors


Important Dates



Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Initial Inquiry Received



Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Month ##, Year

Measurement Session

Design Concept Emailed

Revisions to Concept Sent

Design Concept Accepted

Trade Day

Presentation Day

Revisions Presented

All Items Accepted

Procurement Begins

Construction Begins

Install Week

The Big Reveal!

Final Client Meeting

Project Financial History


Month ##, Year - Invoice ##### sent to clients ($##### total due)

Month ##, Year - Proposal ##### sent to clients ($##### total due)

Month ##, Year - Payment for Invoice ##### and Proposal ##### received via check ($#####)

$##### applied to Invoice #####

$##### applied to Proposal #####

$#### left in clients’ funds available

Month ##, Year - Invoice ##### sent to clients ($##### total due)

Inspiration Photos